Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Cold War - 2159 Words

During the early parts of the Cold War, American psychologist Charles Osgood noticed that the hegemons of the bipolar world faced many obstacles to cooperation, mainly due to the psychological perception and hostile images that the United States and the Soviet Union had of each other. Because of contrasting ideologies, beliefs, and propaganda, it was near impossible for the competing powers to trust each other. This made even innocent gestures and concessions viewed with doubt and not taken at face value. Osgood therefore developed the GRIT strategy, which aimed at using small but significant unilateral concessions to build mutual trust between the two powers, so that tensions could be reduced and negotiations could be made in good faith (Osgood, 1962). In the years that followed, there were different attempts made by both powers to use concessions in this way, yet a number of them were viewed with extreme skepticism (Kaiser, 1980). In this essay, I argue that, while many components of the GRIT strategy were attempted throughout the cold war, it was not until Mikhail Gorbachev came to power that it was properly applied in the presence of sufficient favorable conditions. To being with, it is vital to understand how GRIT should be applied, as well as to identify the conditions that favor and hinder its success. The main goal of GRIT is creating mutual trust that will facilitate cooperation between two states, by having one state carry out a series of small, unilateral,Show MoreRelatedThe War Of The Cold War1644 Words   |  7 PagesThe Cold War was a state of political and military tension stemming from World War II fought primarily between the United States and the Soviet Union. Although the start and end dates of the Cold War are frequently disputed over, it is generally accepted that the conflict started at the conclusion of the Second World War and stemmed from the social climate and lingering tensions in Europe and the increasing power struggles between the Soviet Union and the United States. Along with economic separationRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War Essay1525 Words   |  7 PagesOne major war ended and another to begin. The Cold war lasted about 45 years. There were no direct military campaigns between the United States and Soviet Union. However, billions of dollars and millions of lives were lost. The United States emerged as the greatest power from World War 2. (Give Me Liberty 896) The country boasted about having the most powerful navy and air force. The United states accounted for about half of the world’s manufacturing capacity, which it alone created the atomic bombRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War757 Words   |  4 PagesAs tensions continued to augment profoundly throughout the latter half of the Cold War period, they brought forth a movement from a previous bipolar conflicting course, to one of a more multipolar nature. These tensions were now not only restricted to the Soviet Union and United states, but among st multiple other nations of the globe. It became a general consensus that a notion of ‘peace’ was sought globally, hence, the emergence of dà ©tente. The nature of this idea in the short term conveyed itselfRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War1636 Words   |  7 PagesThe U.S. learned greatly after having been declared the victor of the Cold War. Retired four-star U.S. Army general Colin Powell said, â€Å"The long bitter years of the Cold War are over. America and her allies have won; totally, decisively, and overwhelmingly† (Reed 343). The Cold War started after World War II in 1947 and ended in 1991. The U.S. underwent a political war with the Soviet Union in hopes of advancing more rapidly in certain fields, such as nuclear weapons and space crafts. Avoiding nuclearRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War886 Words   |  4 Pagesin an infamous battle against ideologies: The Cold War. Even though war took place during this time, both powers were not involved in battl e directly, hence the name cold war. The war mainly consisted of assumed and implied threats of nuclear attacks and political control over states in Europe. Even before 1945, the beginning of the Cold War, tension brewed between the U.S and the U.S.S.R. Both sides had differing views on Europe s state after the war. For instance, programs like the Marshall PlanRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War961 Words   |  4 Pages1945, beginning year of the Cold War. The development of cold war just started after the end of world War ||. The cold war was the result of conflict between two powerful country Soviet Union and United State. The war was regarding to the lead the world after the World War ||. The Soviet Union wanted to emerge its power to the world and so do the United States too. The research paper mainly focused on various reasons of opposition of two great power of the world Soviets and United States of AmericaRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War Essay1075 Words   |  5 PagesDuring W orld War II, the United States, Britain, and Russia all worked together to take down Hitler. Although after the war, the coordination between the U.S. and Russia became extremely tense which inevitably lead to the Cold War. The U.S. was worried that Russia would spread communism after World War II. Russia was concerned with the U.S. arms increase and intervention in international affairs. The distrust between the two nations resulted in the Cold war which lasted until 1991. In 1946, WinstonRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War1052 Words   |  5 PagesThe Cold War was a result of what happened at the end of World War 2. At the end of World War 2, the Soviets held a grudge against the U.S for their delayed entrance in the World War resulting in deaths of thousands of Russians resulting in the appearance of the Cold War .The Cuban Missile Crisis was a significant flashpoint in the Cold War because it was the moment two superpowers came closest to nuclear conflict. This crisis, while posing the very real threat of global annihilation, also led toRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War1737 Words   |  7 Pages Cold War The Cold War, which is often dated from 1945 to 1989, was a constant state of political and military tension between powers in the West, dominated by the United States with NATO among its allies, and powers in the East, dominated by the Soviet Union along with the Warsaw Pact. The development of Nuclear Weapons and long range shooting missiles by the United States gave a lot of fear and caused mass destruction. The Cold War came about after World War II when America used their atomic bombsRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War1123 Words   |  5 PagesThe Cold War consist of tensions between the Soviets and the U.S. vying for dominance, and expansion throughout the world. Their complete different ideologies and vision of the postwar prevented them from working together. Stalin wants to punish Germany and make them pay outrageous sum of money for reparation. However, Truman has a different plan than Stalin. Truman believes that industrialization and democracy in Germany and throughout th e world would ensure postwar stability. Stalin also wanted

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay about Marijuana Should Be Legalized - 1628 Words

In a country where tobacco products and alcohol are legal, I have always wondered, why not cannabis? Why did this plant still have the stigma of being illegal when it does not cause any deaths, is not nearly as physically addicting, nor as harmful as its legal counterparts? Clearly, the law of marijuana prohibition is one that is up for debate and one that is up for change. Currently, many state laws have been passed that are either decriminalizing marijuana or allowing it for purely medicinal purposes. Although these laws are moving towards legalization, they do not come close to the actual goal. The definition of â€Å"legalization† advocates are striving to reach refers to legalized wholesale production, distribution,†¦show more content†¦Essentially, people will always use marijuana because it is an alternative source of relaxation and recreation. The government should learn to embrace these people’s ability to choose rather than prohibiting this sou rce of intoxication which, despite its illegality, is already prevalent in society. Not only would there be an increase of freedom of choice, but many people would literally gain freedom. Allen St. Pierre, the Director of NORML (National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws) states that since 1965, nearly 20 million citizens have been arrested in the United States on cannabis-related charges. More astonishingly, nine out of ten of these charges are for mere cannabis possession. Such arrests are so frequent that almost everyone I have come in contact with has a friend or family member affected by these petty laws. Even with new decriminalization laws, â€Å"in nearly every state, a person who commits a marijuana offense and fully serves his or her sentence (or successfully completes probation) is nonetheless subject to continuing and long-lasting professional debilitation, barriers to family life, and limits on civic participation† (Pierre). It is unfair that many people have to go through life with a criminal record especially for mere possession of the drug. As a result, jails are being filled withShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized?849 Words   |  4 Pageswhether marijuana should be legalized. Around 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. In the state of Illinois, medicinal use of marijuana has been passed on April 17, 2013. Since January 2014, patients are able to obtain marijuana with a doctor s recommendation. The new debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for the general public as a recreational drug. Although some believe that marijuana is harmless, and that it has beneficial medicinal uses, marijuana shouldRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1715 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana in Society Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more (â€Å"Marijuana† 1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel â€Å"high† or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug (â€Å"Marijuana† 1). Like mostRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1489 Words   |  6 Pagescannabis plant or marijuana is intended for use of a psychoactive drug or medicine. It is used for recreational or medical uses. In some religions, marijuana is predominantly used for spiritual purposes. Cannabis is indigenous to central and south Asia. Cannabis has been scientifically proven that you can not die from smoking marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized to help people with medical benefits, econo mic benefits, and criminal benefits. In eight states, marijuana was legalized for recreationalRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1245 Words   |  5 PagesMarijuana is a highly debatable topic that is rapidly gaining attention in society today.   Legalizing marijuana can benefit the economy of this nation through the creation of jobs, increased tax revenue, and a decrease in taxpayer money spent on law enforcement.   Ã‚  Many people would outlaw alcohol, cigarettes, fast food, gambling, and tanning beds because of the harmful effects they have on members of a society, but this is the United States of America; the land of the free and we should give peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1010 Words   |  5 PagesThe legalization of marijuana became a heated political subject in the last few years. Twenty-one states in America have legalized medical marijuana. Colorado and Washington are the only states where marijuana can be purchased recreationally. Marijuana is the high THC level part of the cannabis plant, which gives users the â€Å"high† feeling. There is ample evidence that supports the argument that marijuana is beneficial. The government should legalize marijuana recreationally for three main reasonsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1231 Words   |  5 Pagesshows the positive benefits of marijuana, it remains illegal under federal law. In recent years, numerous states have defied federal law and legalized marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. Arizona has legalized marijuana for medical use, but it still remains illegal to use recreationally. This is absurd, as the evidence gathered over the last few decades strongly supports the notion that it is safer than alcohol, a widely available substance. Marijuana being listed as a Schedule I drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1350 Words   |  6 Pagespolitics in the past decade would have to be the legalization of marijuana. The sale and production of marijuana have been legalized for medicinal uses in over twenty states and has been legalized for recreational uses in seven states. Despite the ongoing support for marijuana, it has yet to be fully legalized in the federal level due to cultural bias against â€Å"pot† smoking and the focus over its negative effects. However, legalizing marijuana has been proven to decrease the rate of incrimination in AmericaRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1457 Words   |  6 PagesSHOULD MARIJUANA BE LEGALIZED? Marijuana is a drug that has sparked much controversy over the past decade as to whether or not it should be legalized. People once thought of marijuana as a bad, mind-altering drug which changes a person’s personality which can lead to crime and violence through selling and buying it. In the past, the majority of citizens believed that marijuana is a harmful drug that should be kept off the market and out of the hands of the public. However, a recent study conductedRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1145 Words   |  5 PagesLegalizing Marijuana Marijuana is a drug that has been actively used for centuries. This drug can be traced back to 2737 BC by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung. He spoke about the euphoric effects of Cannabis and even referred to it as the â€Å"Liberator of Sin.† Since early on, marijuana was seen as a medicinal plant that was recommended for medical uses. Marijuana is currently in schedule I, which means that physicians are not allowed to prescribe it in the United States (Hart, Ksir 2013). This drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1596 Words   |  7 Pages But what needs to be known before a user can safely and completely make the decision if trying Marijuana is a good idea? Many do not want the drug to be legalized because they claim that Cannabis is a â€Å"gateway drug†, meaning it will cause people to try harder drugs once their body builds up a resistance to Marijuana, because a stronger drug will be needed to reach a high state. This argument is often falsely related to the m edical side of the debate over legalization. It is claimed that this would

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Anthropology Of Law Animal Rights Essay Example For Students

Anthropology Of Law Animal Rights Essay Anthropology of Law Animal Rights Protests: Is Radical Chic Still in Style? Over the past fifteen years a powerfully charged drama has unfolded in New Yorks Broadway venues and spread to the opera houses and ballet productions of major cities across the country. Its characters include angry college students, aging rock stars, flamboyant B-movie queens, society matrons, and sophisticated fashion designers. You cant buy tickets for this production, but you might catch a glimpse of it while driving in Bethesda on particular Saturday afternoons. If youre lucky, Compassion Over Killing (COK), an animal rights civil disobedience group, will be picketing Millers Furs, their enemy in the fight against fur. These impassioned activists see the fur trade as nothing less than wholesale, commercialized murder, and will go to great lengths to get their point across. Such enthusiasm may do them in, as COKs often divisive rhetoric and tacit endorsement of vandalism threaten to alienate the very peop le it needs to reach in order to be successful. The animal rights idealogy crystallized with the publication of philosophy professors exploration of the way humans use and abuse other animals. Animal Liberation argued that animals have an intrinsic worth in themselves and deserve to exist on their own terms, not just as means to human ends. By 1985, ten years after Peter Singers watershed treatise was first published, dozens of animal rights groups had sprung up and were starting to savor their first successes. In 1994 Paul Shapiro, then a student at Georgetown Day School, didnt feel these non-profits were agitating aggressively enough for the cause. He founded Compassion Over Killing to mobilize animal rights activists in the Washington metropolitan area and throw animal exploiters out of business. Since then, COK has expanded to over 300 members with chapters across the country, including one at American University, which formed in the fall of 1996. COK organizes protests as a pri mary activity of the group, although some chapters may choose to expand into other areas if they wish. COKs focus on direct-action protests and demonstrations is just one way that the animal rights movement has mobilized to end the fur trade. The larger animal rights organizations have conducted attention grabbing media blitzes with the help of stars like Paul McCartney, Melissa Etheridge, Rikki Lake, Naomi Campbell and Christy Turlington. Lobbying efforts by animal advocacy groups have resulted in trapping restrictions in numerous states and an end to federal fur industry subsidies. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has persuaded several fashion designers including Calvin Klein and Donna Karan to stop using fur in their clothing lines. In addition, anti-fur concerts, videos, compact discs, t-shirts, drag revues and award ceremonies have been used by animal rights groups to advance their cause. Each side of the conflict over fur coats has an entirely different way o f conceptualizing and talking about the issue. Animal rights groups bluntly describe fur as deadanimal parts and emphasize that animals are killed to produce a fur garment. Those involved in the fur industry consistently use agricultural metaphors and talk of a yearly crop of fur that must be harvested. Manny Miller, the owner of Millers Furs, refused to describe his business in terms of the individual animals; I dont sell animals. I sell finished products. I sell fur coats. These linguistic differences extend to the manner in which both sides frame the debate over fur. COK refers to the industry in criminal terms; fur is directly equated with murder and those involved in the industry are labeled killers. Industry groups like the Fur Information Council of America (FICA) always describes fur garments as objects and clothing; it is the ultimate cold weather fabric that is your fashion choice. On Saturday, April 12th, Compassion Over Killing demonstrated outside the White House, prote sting the Clinton administrations opposition to a European Community ban on the importation of fur coats made from animals caught in the wild. In addition, the demonstration called for the release of several Animal Liberation Front (ALF) members imprisoned for vandalizing property and liberating animals from research labs and factory farms. Several dozen high school and college students turned out for the event, but the protest attracted a handful of thirtysomethings and an elderly woman as well. Most of the young people there seemed to dress in a similar style; baggy pants, piercings and t-shirts advertising obscure hard-core rock bands adorned most of the activists. The organizers of the protest provided more than enough signs for everyone to carry. Each sign had a slogan stenciled on the cardboard in boxy black letters, including Abolish the Fur Trade, Fur is Murder, Stop Promoting Vanity and Death, and Fur is Dead- Get It In Your Head. Some of the signs displayed graphic photogr aphs of skinned animal carcasses. In contrast to the dramatic messages they carried, most of the activists were subdued as they slowly trudged in a circle. The inclement weather seemed to dampen their spirits a bit, as for most of the three hour protest it alternated between drizzle and half-hearted rain showers. The few passersby seemed intent on getting through the rain, and quickly walked past while giving the protesters wide berth. In periods when the precipitation was less intense, the majority of people passed by with expressions of studied indifference or disgust and seemed to have a visceral reaction to the bloody, explicit posters. It is not necessarily bad to show people what you are against; no one in COK likes to look at those photographs. At the same time, its important to try to reach people at a level where your message can resonate. Using words like murder may attract attention, but it has just as much potential to turn people off. The fur industry is trying its hard est to paint groups like COK as a radical fringe; one FICA press release said, the more bizarre the activists look, the better we look and what they had outside were freaks. COKs choice of words might just be playing right into the other sides hands. Environmentalists would appear to be natural allies of animal rights groups; after all, they both profess concern for the Earths varied inhabitants and passionately organize to protect other-than-human species. But while animal advocates generally call themselves environmentalists, the reverse is not true. Jim Motavalli writes that environmentalists tend to see the animal movement as hysterical, shrill and ?one note. Theyre often embarrassed by the lab raids, the emotional picketing and the high-pitched hyperbole. If the rhetoric of groups like COK alienates groups with a natural affinity for animal issues, how can it change the mind of a 55 year old wealthy white woman whos always loved the look and feel of a fur coat? Although the Wh ite House simply stood silently in response to COKs sidewalk activities, the scene was quite different when Compassion Over Killing picketed Millers Furs in early April. Slightly less people turned out, but the makeup of the crowd was similar to the one at the Pennsylvania Avenue protest; many of the faces were the same at both events. However, a certain contrast was clear; this protest was targeting a finite business operation, while the White House demonstration seemed to address the entire United States legal system as well as foreign policy. COKs call for the release of ALF members convicted of various felonies had an air of futility about it, as the activists claimed the right to break all sorts of U.S. laws in the name of their cause. The Millers Fur protest was more of an even fight. This time the activists seemed more powerful, as if they were in reach of their goal to close down the Bethesda fur salon. Their signs had a few more incendiary phrases than those at the presiden tial protest; Boycott Murder- Dont Buy Fur and Stop the Killers Boycott Millers appeared in addition to those used at the White House protest. The activists excitedly talked about a recent ALF action; the underground group had recently spray painted animal right slogans over Millers windows and canopy. As they circled the group broke into chants directed by COK leaders, which seemed to add energy to the protesters message. Passing cars beeped their horns as their drivers waved in support, in contrast to the tepid response from the pedestrian traffic at the protest downtown. However, with one or two exceptions those who passed by the fur protest on foot in Bethesda seemed to be just as hostile as those in D.CPhilosophy Essays .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f , .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f .postImageUrl , .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f , .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f:hover , .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f:visited , .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f:active { border:0!important; } .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f:active , .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uec836a8bc7d3e3eee928eb5afaab923f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Art And Technology - Schwartz Moffat Essay

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

New Haven Wound Treatment Center

Question: Discuss the skill and traits of primary leader in the case and relevant action to address the issue. Answer: Summary of the case The problem noticed in New Haven Wound Treatment Center is that nurse managers and nurses have started recommending physician to use a new product called Healthy Healing to treat wounds of patients. Physicians has been using a different and more efficacious product for wound healing since many years and they have complained that nurse are so insistent on using the new product that they have started ignoring physicians order too. Another serious trend that has been noticed in the hospital is that nurses are ignoring their duty as a care provider and their purpose of using this product is not for improvement of health outcome in patients. Instead they are interested in using more Healthy Healing products to get more HH points and gain material gain. Skill and traits of primary leader in the case Seeing the problem of conflict of interest among nurses, another problem is that they nurse manager is also not accountable enough to curb this hazardous interest among nurses. The nurse managers are also supporting the nurse and feels that using this product will be beneficial. She feels that the more HH points are gained by the nurses, the more products can be brought by it. The nurse manager defends the nurses by saying that if there was any problem with the product, the hospital authorities would have never allowed the sales person of Health Healing to come to the clinic. Relevant action to address the issue As a health care administrator of New Haven Wound Treatment center, I feel that this is disturbing trend will create great problem for patients and it is necessary to immediately cancel the healthy healing points system. As an administrator in the center it is my duty to see that nurse follow the guideline of practice set by the organization. Conflict between physician and nurse is also not good for the progress of the wound treatment center. It is my duty to promote patient safety and employee safety in the clinic. I will have to intervene to prevent disruptive behavior by meeting with CEO to address the problem. First of all it is necessary to strictly remove the health healing system and then nurse manager must be encouraged to monitor that professional code of conduct of nursing is consistently maintained in the organization. According to professional code of conduct, nurses must be accountable enough to provide safe and competent care to patients. They should strictly prohibit a ctivities that do not come under the scope of nursing practice (Masters, 2015). As health administrator I will ensure that nurse do not compromise their duty of care under any condition. Mainly the particular problem in the case has arise because of interference of personal work with professional duties. Hence as a leader I will develop a disciplinary structure so that conflicts among employees as well as employees are minimized (Almost et al., 2016). It will also be necessary to make all staff aware that apart from nursing duties they also need to conform to ethical duty of care. Ethical policy education may help to reduce conflicts (Grace, 2013). Reference Almost, J., Wolff, A. C., Stewart Pyne, A., McCormick, L. G., Strachan, D., D'Souza, C. (2016). Managing and mitigating conflict in healthcare teams: an integrative review.Journal of advanced nursing. Grace, P. J. (2013).Nursing ethics and professional responsibility in advanced practice. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Masters, K. (2015).Role development in professional nursing practice. Jones Bartlett Publishers.