Thursday, April 16, 2020

Restaurant Business and Reasons Why People Eat Out

Food is one of the crucial and basic necessities that must be satisfied on a daily basis for human survival. This creates demand for food which in turn leads to the existent of restaurant and other food offering services. In this paper, we will discuss the factors that determine whether to eat out, choosing where to eat and whether to return to the restaurant in the future.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on Restaurant Business and Reasons Why People Eat Out specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The reasons why people eat out are social and psychological. Some of the reasons include; to meet a person, enjoy, party, relax and to have something different from home. The main cause for dining out in most occasions is to get fast foods. Financial ability and time availability are also important factors that must be considered when making a decision to dine out. It is cheaper to eat at home than go out. Restaurant busine ss deal with both tangible and intangible products and these is what determines success in the industry. Food is a tangible product and it has effect on customer satisfaction in the manner it is cooked and served. If the customer finds the food to be delicious, it will be obvious he or she would want to return to the restaurant in the future. On the other hand if the food is not good according to the customer’s remarks then it is likely that he or she will not return. Customer treatment and a favorable environment to enjoy and have a good time are the intangible factors that affect customer satisfaction and the decision to return. In conclusion, food quality and services offered in a restaurant are the key factors that determine if the customer will eat out, where to eat and whether to return. Investors in the restaurant industry should therefore, take these factors into consideration to ensure efficiency and success in their operations. Works Cited Walker, John Introduction to Hospitality. Upper Saddle River: Publisher Prentice Hall Higher Education, 2008. Comment:Advertising Looking for book review on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The decision making issue is well explained as well as the reason to eat out. The intangible definition is not well described as the student states it as the decision making aspect. An intangible is a product that cannot be physically touched it is only felt emotionally, physically or socially. These intangibles include customer treatment and enjoyment felt after consumption. I agree with the point on attractiveness of the environment as this will greatly influence the decision to eat in a restaurant and whether to return in the future. When excellent services are offered financial and distant constraints are always overlooked. This book review on Restaurant Business and Reasons Why People Eat Out was written and submitted by user Deborah Vega to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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